Jumat, Agustus 31, 2018

Senin, Agustus 27, 2018

Semnaskan FPIK UNDANA, Kupang 14 Oktober 2017 (Proceedings ISBN 978-602-96671-0-3)

ETANOL EXTRACTION OF Sonneratia alba’s 
Gloria Ika Satriani, Jimmy Cahyadi, Ery Gusman, Eka Nur Juliana 1)
1)Jurusan Budidaya Perairan Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu KelautaUniversitas Borneo Tarakan emaijim.borneo@gmail.com. ; gloria.ubt@gmail.com

 Pedada or Sonneratia sp. mangrove plant is commonly found on the A2 zone which has submerged tidal area 10-19 times per month, the area closest to the sea, and grow on muddy substrate in rich organic matter with the root system of this vegetation has formed by crabbed (pneumatofora for breathing). Sonneratia types most common in coastal areas Tarakan Island is S. alba and S. caseolaris which has similar but differentiated by coloring of flowers petals where are white flowers to S.alba and red to S.caseolaris. S.alba is being fruitfull all the time and not depend of season, so it has the potential to be exploited but until now not yet optimal utilization of this fruit. This study aims to utilize of fruit extract S.alba as an antibacterial for vibriosis disease in black tiger shrimp fry (P.monodon). The extraction was done in FPIK UBT Environment Laboratory with 100% ethanol (pa) which comparison of simplisia: ethanol = 1: 2 during the following hours filtrate 3x24 maceration result processed by used the rotary evaporator temperature 40-50C during 1,5-2 hours. Crude drug used in this study a whole fruit S.alba (rind, flesh, and seeds). Concentrating the extraction is done by oven at a temperature of 60C to obtain a thick paste extract S.alba. The test results showed  a  thicpaste phytochemical extracts  S.alba  100% ethanol solvent  contains  of alkaloids, flavonoids, triterpenoids, carbohydrates, carotenoids, coumarin, and tannins. The results of antibacterial tests showed Vibrio harveyii extract inhibited at all concentrations S.alba ethanol.

Keywords: S.alba, V.harveyii, phytochemicals

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1dOpQlup7XTvMx-vNuaszeeFVVyWkcTvf https://drive.google.com/open?id=1dOpQlup7XTvMx-vNuaszeeFVVyWkcTvf

Minggu, Agustus 26, 2018

Seminar Nasional SALING DIDIK 4 (Prosiding Volume 2 Tahun 2017) ISSN:2548-9615

  Jimmy Cahyadi; Gloria Ika Satriani; Ery Gusman1)
1) Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan
Universitas Borneo Tarakan

Sonneratia alba can bear fruit all the time on the coast of North Borneo and especially the city of Tarakan. This coastal mangrove plant has not seasoning fruitfully that could potentially be used but until now not been optimal utilization fruit in nutrient enrichment on Artemia salina as natural feed (bioenrichment) for fry tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon).This study aims to determine the toxicity of ethanol extract of Sonneratia alba through the method of brine shrimp lethality test (BSLT) which uses a nauplii Artemia salina  ethanol extract Sonneratia alba is known to have an active compound content in the form of alkaloids, flavonoids, triterpenoids, carbohydrates, carotenoids, tannins, and coumarin. Also, based on the test on selective media TCBSA (Thiosulphate Citrate Bile Salt Sucrose Agar) through a paper disc diffusion technique on the growth of bacteria Vibrio harveyii capable of producing inhibitory characterized by the formation of a clear zone diameter of 2.50 ± 0.31 cm at a concentration of 2% , BSLT testing to obtain the LC50 value of the ethanol extract S.alba of the survival  of nauplii A. salina using ethanol extract concentration difference S.alba as a treatment that is 0 ppm, 10 ppm, 15 ppm, 20 ppm and 25 ppm. Test bottles that had contained the ethanol extract test concentrations S.alba,nauplii A.salina, and solvent sea water is stored in a fairly light and oxygen for 24 hours; After 24 hours, counted the number of nauplii A.salina dead. At the ethanol extract treatment S.alba BSLT testing shows the results of LC50 of 10.2 ppm (10 ppm optimal treatment) with a value of probit R2 = 0.84 expressed by regression Y = 2.7741 X + 2.2022.
Keywords: Soneratia alba, Artemia salina, toxicity, BSLT

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1IpOXQ2Ci_agUBoWpPtAC4QghCCaTG8wm https://drive.google.com/open?id=1IpOXQ2Ci_agUBoWpPtAC4QghCCaTG8wm